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Create A Mosquito Barrier Around Your Home

There’s nothing more annoying than getting mosquito bites every time you walk into your backyard. Many homeowners don’t realize that mosquitos are more than just an annoyance, they can introduce serious health risks to your home. Many neighborhoods spray for mosquitos regularly, and while these treatments help they aren’t always 100% effective, they certainly make a big difference. If you live in an area where these mass-treatments are not a regular occurrence, you need to take some steps to ensure that mosquitoes don’t become a problem in your yard. The best way to do this is to create a mosquito barrier.

There Are Many Ways To Create A Mosquito Barrier

Mosquitoes are a troublesome pest, but luckily there are many plants and products that will keep them at bay. You can easily create a mosquito barrier around your yard, ensuring that you won’t have to come in contact with these pests while enjoying the outdoors. To do this, you simply need to spread the items that these pests are naturally averse to around your lawn.

Citronella is the most common plant that’s used to keep mosquitoes at bay. Almost all of the tiki torches, candles, and sprays that you see in stores make use of citronella, and it does not have an unpleasant or chemical aroma. You can plant citronella throughout your yard, doing so is one of the most effective ways of naturally keeping these pests away. If citronella doesn’t grow well in your area, or you lack a green thumb, consider hanging dried citronella plants from the trees or fence at the edge of your yard.

On your front porch or patio, you can use store-bought candles to prevent mosquitoes from rearing their heads. Various essential oils can also be very effective, especially citronella, rosemary, lemongrass and eucalyptus. Much like citronella, growing lemongrass, rosemary and eucalyptus in your yard can also create a natural mosquito barrier.

Don’t Risk West Nile Virus

Due to their blood sucking nature, mosquitoes can spread several types of diseases to the people they bite. West Nile Virus is the most common threat, but in underdeveloped countries Malaria is also a major concern that is associated with this pest. These diseases can have serious effects, sometimes even resulting in fatalities.

If you live near a pond or lake, you are at an even higher risk of mosquitoes becoming a problem. These pests reproduce in standing water, and they can become a major problem following severe rainfall or hurricanes. Following heavy rain, you should take extra precautions to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes. Barriers are generally very effective, but if puddles remain in your yard for a few days you’ll surely see some mosquitoes pop up. During these times, wear bug spray or dab essential oil on your skin to prevent bites.

Still Seeing Mosquitoes? Ask For Help

If mosquito barriers and store bought products aren’t proving effective, advanced tactics will be required. In these cases you should get in touch with a pest control company that has specialized treatments for mosquitoes. Many companies offer these treatments, and they are the most effective way of ensuring that mosquitoes don’t cause problems for your and your loved ones.

The longer you wait to take care of a mosquito invasion, the more they will be a problem. Since these pests are most present during summer months, it is a wise decision to have a pest control company pay your yard a visit during the first few weeks of hot weather and frequent rainfall. No mosquito population is too advanced to be controlled by a pest control provider, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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