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Spring's Most Poisonous Pests
Spring’s the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors. The kids are playing outside, the pets are frolicking…and the venomous insects in your area are out in force. Spring is the season for mating and nesting for many bugs and some can be quite harmful to humans. If you’re concerned about the poisonous insects in your area, check out this list of Spring’s most common pest dangers…

Stinging Insects

Over 75% of the population has an immediate allergic reaction hen stung by a stinging insect. Some have more adverse reactions than others, however, and have to rely on Epi pens and other measures to prevent dangerous symptoms of anaphylaxis. Many stinging insects are crucial to the successful pollination of plants and trees, however, so containing them is a delicate process and should only be handled by a professional. Bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and even ants are all considered part of the dangerous stinging insect group. In some areas scorpions are also a common stinging pest occurence.


Spring is spider season in most areas, and as the weather warms up many of these 8-legged arachnids come out to nest and breed. Most spider species found in the US are harmless to humans, but some have dangerous bites that can cause a host of medical conditions (and even death.) Spiders that need to be watched out for include Black Widows, Brown Recluse, and Hobo spiders. These bugs like the cool, dark spaces of basements and crawlspaces and particularly love hanging out near the water. If you boat frequently this time of year, check yourself regularly for spider bites and take care to prevent a spider infestation.


Many homeowners don’t know they’ve got rodents until it’s too late. While some rodent species actually have poisonous bites, most pose a threat via the diseases they carry. Mice, rats, and even badgers harbor all kinds of diseases like Hantavirus, Salmonella, and even the deadly Plague. If you’ve noticed signs of rodents in your home this spring, call in a pro immediately.


Spring weather encourages snakes to breed, feed, and molt, and though most are harmless to humans some contain deadly venom. In the American southwest, coral snakes and rattlesnakes bite humans often, and Florida and other tropical climates have dozens of poisonous native species. Snakes are attracted to water and safe nesting spots, so keep your grass cut and debris clear of your home for the best chance of avoiding an infestation.

Spring is the perfect time to have your home reviewed by a professional exterminator – a 30 minute inspection can save you and your family a host of medical bills, worry, and pain if you’re concerned about poisonous pests.

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