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Hiring A Pest Control Professional
When pests set up housekeeping in your home, sometimes it’s “a problem that’s bigger than you.” Often the solution is in a product that only certified pest control technicians can apply. A little effort can make a huge difference when you call in the professionals.

Types of Pest Control
Before investing time and money into pest control, first understand the basic varieties of pest control and what methods are appropriate for your property or pest issue.
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Pest Control Pricing
With an exterminator visit costing the same amount that would feed one’s family at a nice restaurant, not every homeowner is ready to whip out a checkbook and take off work for professional servicing. When is professional pest control really called for?
Types of Termite Control
Different types of treatments are necessary to tailor to the various termite species causing problems. And removing the termites themselves is half the battle – the other half is beating them to the punch before they eat a significant amount of wood in your home.